About FHSLAThe Florida Health Sciences Library Association was founded in 1961. The specific and primary purposes of the organization are to foster the development of medical libraries in Florida in accordance with professional standards, to inspire and educate medical library personnel, and to implement the exchange of library materials and services. Your interest in, or employment by medical or health sciences libraries is the only requirement to become a FHSLA member. You will receive access to the online discussion list, and any additional mailings from the Association
Mission The mission of the Florida Health Sciences Library Association (FHSLA) is to promote and strengthen its members through professional development, advocacy and networking and to promote and advance access to information resources and services in support of quality health care in Florida.
Past Presidents2024-2025: Angela Novak
2023-2024: Jorge Perez 2022-2023: Susan Harnett 2021-2022: Susan Harnett 2020-2021: Jaclyn Castek 2019-2020: Tara Brigham 2018-2019: Mary Katherine Haver 2017-2018: Jeffrey Gluff 2016-2017: John Reynolds 2015-2016: John Reazer 2014-2015: Denise Shereff 2013-2014: Rebecca Harrington 2012-2013: Martin Wood 2011-2012: Ellie Bushhousen 2010-2011: Tanya Feddern-Bekcan 2009-2010: Nancy Schaefer 2008-2009: Barbara Wood 2007-2008: Nadine Dexter 2006-2007: Allison M. Howard 2005-2006: Sandra L. Canham 2004-2005: Rana Dole 2003-2004: Karen L. Roth 2002-2003: Pamela J. Sherwill-Navarro 2001-2002: Naomi Elia 2000-2001: Erica Powell 1999-2000: Gwen Wolff 1998-1999: Barbara Francis 1997-1998: Marta Cosulluela 1996-1997: Patricia N. Cole 1995-1996: Trudi Di Trolio 1994-1995: Linda Kressal 1993-1994: Patricia Clark 1992-1993: Neil Wooley 1991-1992: Pam Neumann 1989-1991: Tom Williams 1989: Helene Petty 1988-1989: Bettye Stilley 1987-1988: Lee Whiteside 1986-1987: Jo Ann Tibbs 1985-1986: Ada Seltzer 1984-1985: Carol Ploch 1983-1984: Ken Mead 1982-1983: Cheryl Dee 1981-1982: Diane Ream 1979-1981: Gwen Walters 1978-1979: Jane Rich 1977-1978: Flora Wellington 1976-1977: Carolyn Hall 1975-1976: Jim Tillman 1974-1975: Ruth Powell 1973-1974: Betty Manson 1971-1973: Alice Duva Klein 1970-1971: Doris Marose 1968-1969: Alice Cramer |
GoalsTo achieve its mission, the Association has three goals:
Historical RootsFHSLA began its "grass roots" existence at the Regional Conference of Florida Medical Librarian (RCFML) on April 19, 1961. This first meeting was held in the VA Medical Center in Bay Pines at the invitation of its Chief Librarian, Florence Bulmer. Other medical librarians attending this historic first meeting were: Eleanor P Diekema, Helen Donnelly, Christine Metcalf, Stephania Osborn, Pauline Woolridge and Mildred Moore. After drawing names out of a hat, Stephania Osborn was "selected" president.
Membership categories included active, associate and honorary. The first honorary member was Fred Bryant, then Director of the J. Hillis Miller Health Center Library, University of Florida. His early support for this group was championed by his successors, Mayo Drake and Ted Syrgley. Annual dues were $2 for active members, $1 for associate members, and nothing for honorary members. Active members were professional librarians, while associate members were paraprofessionals. Later in 1964, the associate category was eliminated and only one level of active membership was established. Initially, meetings were held four times a year to increase training and learning opportunities. The name was changed to Florida Medical Librarians in 1967 and the meetings were reduced to three times a year. In 1970 the number of meetings was reduced to two per year, and in 1979, one annual meeting was established with a more formal program and a CE class/workshop format. In 1982, the name of the organization changed a third time to the Florida Health Sciences Library Association to support a broadening of its membership base and focus. In keeping with its early direction towards resource sharing, the group supported regional union list activities, consortia development and participation in regional medical library programs such as the Hospital Library Consultants Registry, and a planning process for state-wide delivery of medical library services and professional development for its members in the 1980's. The FHSLA ALERT, the official newsletter was first established in 1984. Its editorial and distribution responsibilities have rotated between the three medical school libraries in the state. Annual meetings have rotated between these three regions for variety and are supported by the medical school librarians and hospital library staff in the areas, including outstanding meetings in Palm Beach and Disneyworld. |