We are co-sponsoring an MLA webinar with SFHSLC: Hospital Libraries: Challenges and Opportunities (1 MLA CE credit). If you have not registered, please see the flyer and link below for more information and to register.
https://nova.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtd-yoqj4rHNKl40Kq9cv9T1qBdzCrCvB7 Dear Readers, This month we would like to acknowledge the professional works of our FHSLA members. We are so proud of their efforts which contribute to the body of scholarly knowledge. Don't let these cites go unseen. This will be a bi-yearly feature so look for our next call toward the end of the year for your next chance to feature your professional works! -Janet & Tim Book Chapters
Gillum S, Williams N. Assessment of library programming. Planning and Promoting Events in Health Sciences Libraries: Success Stories and Best Practices. 2021:61. Gillum S, Williams N. The life cycle of planning and promoting library events. Planning and Promoting Events in Health Sciences Libraries: Success Stories and Best Practices. 2021:11. Lambert C, Gillum S. Easy but effective virtual programming: HSL Podcast Club. Planning and Promoting Events in Health Sciences Libraries: Success Stories and Best Practices. 2021:5. Gillum S, Williams N. Introduction. Planning and Promoting Events in Health Sciences Libraries: Success Stories and Best Practices. 2021:3. Articles Clifton VL, Flathers KM, Brigham TJ. Covid-19-BAckground and Health Sciences Library Resources during the First Month of the Pandemic. Med Ref Serv Q. 2021 Jan-Mar;40(1):. doi: 10.1080/02763869.2021.1873611. PubMed PMID: 33625334. Gotschall T, Gillum S, Herring P, Lambert C, Collins R, Dexter N. When One Library Door Closes, Another Virtual One Opens: A Team Response to the Remote Library, Med Ref Serv Q. 2021; 40:1, 11-22, DOI: 10.1080/02763869.2021.1873612 Walton DJ. Sudden position guide to collection management. JERML. 2021:1-2. doi: 10.1080/15424065.2021.1876539. Gillum S. Kidshealth.org. In: Adams, AL. Consumer health resources. Public Serv Q. 2020;16(4); 234-241. Gotschall T, Gillum S, Dexter N. A practical guide to scholarly activity for health sciences librarians. Med Ref Serv Q. 2020; 39:3, 220-237, DOI: 10.1080/02763869.2020.1769422. Truong RD, Kostick N, Vu D, Chen LY, Cheung E, Dexter N. Survey on Impact of Operational Policies and Procedures on Patient Satisfaction at a Rural Free Healthcare Clinic in Florida. Cureus. 12(11): e11730. doi:10.7759/cureus.11730. Walton DJ. Review update: BMJ Case Reports. Doody’s Collection Development Monthly. http://dcdm.doody.com/2020/08/review-update-bmj-case-reports/. Published August 25, 2020. Rethlefsen ML, Kirtley S, Waffenschmidt S, Ayala AP, Moher D, Page MJ, Koffel JB. PRISMA-S: an extension to the PRISMA Statement for Reporting Literature Searches in Systematic Reviews. Syst Rev. 2021 Jan 26;10(1):39. doi:10.1186/s13643-020-01542-z.PubMed PMID: 33499930; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7839230. PRISMA-S Group: Heather Blunt, Tara Brigham, Steven Chang, Justin Clark, Aislinn Conway, Rachel Couban, Shelley de Kock, Kelly Farrah, Paul Fehrmann, Margaret Foster, Susan A Fowler, Julie Glanville, Elizabeth Harris, Lilian Hoffecker, Jaana Isojarvi, David Kaunelis, Hans Ket, Paul Levay, Jennifer Lyon, Jessie McGowan, M Hassan Murad, Joey Nicholson, Virginia Pannabecker, Robin Paynter, Rachel Pinotti, Amanda Ross-White, Margaret Sampson, Tracy Shields, Adrienne Stevens, Anthea Sutton, Elizabeth Weinfurter, Kath Wright, Sarah Young Presentations Gotschall T, Collins R, Lambert C. Librarians in Hollywood: Tips and software for creating and communicating with video. 2020. Video Presentation at the Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association Annual Conference. Virtual. Gillum S, Gotschall T, Williams N. The library may be closed, but we’re still here for you: Staying connected and promoting wellness during remote work. 2020. Video Presentation at the Southern Chapter of the Medical Library Association Annual Conference. Virtual. Hoogland MA, Brigham TJ. My Favorite Tool. 2021. Immersion Session. MLA 2021. Posters Chan J, Baum B. Leading Forward to Recovery: How Librarians aid Mental Health Literacy. Poster presented at Florida Library Association 2020 Virtual Conference: Leading Forward; 2020 October 28-29; virtual. Chan J. Exploring Data Visualization: Collection Analysis in a Bibliotherapy Library. Poster presented at: Special Library Association 2020 Annual Conference: Leading Forward; 2020 October 5-16; virtual. Shereff D, Chan J, Baum B, Cannon P, Taylor N. Graphic Medicine for Emotional Wellness: Therapeutic Library Programming in a Pediatric Behavioral Health Setting. Poster presented at: Medical Library Association 2020 Vision: The future in focus; 2020 August 10-14; virtual. Flathers KM, Clifton VL, Murray G. A Library-Curated Pediatric COVID-19 CME and Clinical Decision Support Center. 2021. Poster accepted for MLA 2021. Gotschall T. A 10-day scholarly impact challenge online program. 2020. Poster at the National Institutes of Health Bibliometrics and Research Assessment Symposium 2020. Virtual. Hello FHSLA Members!
My name is Susan Harnett and I will have the privilege of serving as your FHSLA President for 2021-2022. A little background on me: I am the Medical Information Services Librarian at Borland Library, University of Florida in Jacksonville. I have been at UF since 2016, and previously worked as a clinical librarian at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, VA; and Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth, VA. I live in Ponte Vedra with my husband and three cats; my 22 year old daughter is a recent UF graduate starting her first job, and my 24 year old son works in IT Security. I would like to thank our outgoing President, Jaclyn Castek, for her leadership during these very unusual times, and Past President Tara Brigham for her invaluable assistance as I learn the ropes. I would also like to thank the members of the Executive Committee:
Some of our achievements this year were:
As a small (but mighty!) organization, we depend on talented volunteers to keep us moving. If you haven’t volunteered for one of our committees, feel free to contact me, or any of our executive board members to learn more about opportunities and upcoming projects. I look forward to working with everyone! Susan Harnett. President, 2021-2022 Dear Readers, Getting to Know You features interviews with FHSLA members on their roles and thoughts on the field of library science. This month we talk to Stephanie Harris at Advent Health in Orlando, FL. We would love to feature you in our next spot. Please email us at fhslanews@gmail.com for more information. -Tim & Janet What is your current role in the library field? I recently transitioned to a research scientist role in the Center for Whole-Person and Nursing Research at AdventHealth. Prior to that, I was an embedded research librarian within those departments. I find that I use my librarian skills and knowledge to inform my job on a daily basis, so although I’m not in a traditional library setting, I still FEEL like a librarian. Do you have a specialization or interest area within the library field? I particularly love working with nurses and understanding their information needs. What is your favorite library resource or program? I can’t imagine a day without PubMed! What is something happening in libraries now that you find exciting? I think that hearing the voices of BIPOC librarians, especially in academia, is a long overdue and exciting trend. A former co-worker of mine who now works at UNLV is deeply engaged in this work and I follow her social media very closely to try to keep my eyes and ears open. (@wonderbrarian). I also think that the ways that libraries have adapted to COVID-19 and changed the models of service just goes to show how adaptable and resilient libraries are. I’m really interested in library service in the COVID world. What is a change or innovation you would like to see come to libraries in the near future? I think it will be interesting to see how we can maintain the value of “library as place” in the wake of offering so many distance services with COVID. I am excited to see the innovations that come to bring people back to the library physically. Do you have any hobbies? I run a very small animal assistance organization in Central Florida. We raise money to help people with sick or injured pets. The goal is to keep the animal at home with a loving family rather than having it surrendered to overcrowded shelters or rescues. It’s my true passion to help animals and the people who love them. (Follow us on Facebook and Instagram: Family Forever Animal Foundation facebook.com/ffafanimals; @ffafanimals) I am currently reading or would like to read: I am currently reading The Alice Network and Children of Blood and Bone. You can contact Stephanie at Stephanie.Harris@adventhealth.com OR stephielibrarian@gmail.com Dear readers, welcome to our first member submitted post. Mary approached us as a new author of a peer reviewed article and we felt that readers who have never published before would benefit from hearing about her experiences. We welcome submissions of topic proposals, guest essays, and other content you feel should be highlighted and is of high relevance to FHSLA members. Send us your ideas to fhslanews@gmail.com. We hope that you find Mary's experiences as interesting and enlightening as we did and like Mary we also encourage future first time authors to seek publication if inspiration strikes. - Janet & Tim Hello FHSLA members -- This past January a professor and I published an article titled: “Assessing Information Literacy Skills and Library Anxiety of First-Year Occupational Therapy Graduate Students” in the Journal of Occupational Therapy Education. I am new to publishing and I would like to share my journey from an idea to journal publication. Here is a short background that led to the article -- I had a “research idea” and connected with one of the professors in our Occupational Therapy Department. I currently work at a small university where we serve mostly allied health students. I presented the idea and thankfully the professor was excited and jumped on board. I wanted to know if graduate students who attended a research consultation (one-to-one) with a librarian would feel more comfortable with library research. We discussed the idea and tweaked it to include measuring library anxiety. We began our research with one of her classes in Fall 2018. After gathering data, we presented our findings in a poster at the 2019 American Occupational Therapy Assn Conference. That was very exciting and a great experience to speak with other Occupational Therapists. I promoted working with librarians to help students learn information literacy skills and help reduce the students’ library anxiety. I had some great conversations. Our provost encouraged us to consider publishing in The Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, she happens to be an OT. We decided to gather additional data with a second class in Fall 2019 before writing an article. In Spring 2020, I applied to present a poster with our additional data at the 2020 Transforming Libraries for Graduate Students Conference to be held in Tennessee and was accepted. Unfortunately, COVID-19 occurred, and the conference was cancelled. The professor and I worked on the article diligently during 2019 and 2020. We had set meetings on our calendar during this period for article writing and editing time. The article went through the peer-review process. This was not a fast process and I had always heard this. We started with an editor prior to submission. We submitted the article and many months (about 3 or 4) passed before we heard anything. Then each editor (there were several) had their suggested changes and helped improve the article. Several weeks passed between each edit so again be aware this takes time. If we had a question we could ask, but overall, we accepted the editor’s suggestions. I admire those who edit. I really see that publishing takes mental energy and perseverance. Finally, the article was ready for publication. I am grateful for Dr. Moghimi saying “yes” to my research idea and guiding me through the article research process. I would like to encourage anyone interested in publishing to connect with someone and write an article together. I know many in academic libraries have publishing requirements for rank promotion. What I learned is taking one small step and connecting with another person can sure blossom into many wonderful experiences. My advice --- “Go for it.” Suggestions and tips:
Check out Mary's article in the Journal of Occupational Therapy Education.
Moghimi, C., & Rickelman, M. C. (2021). Assessing Information Literacy Skills and Library Anxiety of First-Year Occupational Therapy Graduate Students. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 5 (1). Retrieved from https://encompass.eku.edu/jote/vol5/iss1/4 |
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